
美国国际消费类电子产品展览会(International Consumer Electronics Show,简称CES),由美国消费技术协会(简称CTA)主办,旨在促进尖端电子技术和现代生活的紧密结合。CES每年1月在拉斯维加斯举办,是全球规模最大、影响最为广泛的消费类电子展。CES展会迄今为止已经成功举办了56届。


CES 2024已于美国当地时间1月9日(北京时间1月9日)正式拉开帷幕!来自170多个国家和地区的4500多家企业参加为期4天的展会,除佳能、高通、TCL、创维、联想、海信、英特尔、索尼、三星、LG等大型企业外,也包括不少初创企业。展出的产品范围包括人工智能、新能源汽车、自动驾驶、元宇宙、数字健康、网络安全、智能家居等41个领域。是您了解行业动态/未来技术趋势以及打入美洲市场的最好平台。



Qualification Criteria
Products must be technology or consumer electronics related.
Companies must have finished and branded products if applying for
specific product categories.
If the product name is different from the company, please submit the
legal/government documents to clarify the business ownership.
It is possible that applicant be assigned to a different category from
the one they applied.
OEM/ODM companies are recommended to participate in the Design
& Source category.
Component companies are recommended to participate in the Design
& Source Showcase.
Eureka Park criteria will be posted in May or June.
Schedule Due Date Amount
March 1, 2024
20% of the total contract amount
June 1, 2024
60% (accumulative) of the total contract amount
September 15, 2024
100% (accumulative) of the total contract amount
*Post September 15th,
*100% payment is due immediately for CTA to start
processing contracts and giving exhibitors access to
their dashboard.
Cancellation Policy
20% of the total Exhibit Space Cost if cancellation is received by CTA
on or before May 31, 2024;
60% of the total Exhibit Space Cost if cancellation is received by CTA
between June 1 and September 14, 2024; or
100% of the total Exhibit Space cost if cancellation is received by CTA
on or after September 15, 2024.
CES25 Exhibit Space Rate
o CTA Member: $45/sq.ft.
o Non-CTA Member: $50/sq.ft.